Syncing ABM and VPP tokens with Intune - A PowerShell Script for the Lazy Admin

Syncing ABM and VPP tokens with Intune - A PowerShell Script for the Lazy Admin

Ever found yourself drowning in the sea of device enrollments and app licenses, needing to go into Intune and manually syncing Apple Business Manager?
Yeah, me too. This PowerShell script should make things easier. Let's dive into what it does:

Required Graph API Permissions:

# Import necessary Microsoft Graph modules
"Beta.Devices.CorporateManagement" | ForEach-Object {
    Import-Module "Microsoft.Graph.$_"
# Set the security protocol to TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Define connection parameters for Microsoft Graph API
$connectMgGraph = @{
    Environment           = "Global"

# Connect to Microsoft Graph using provided credentials
Connect-MgGraph @connectMgGraph -NoWelcome
# Sync Apple Business Manager with Intune, default is every 8 hours
$DepOnboardingSettings = Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementDepOnboardingSetting

foreach ($DepOnboardingSetting in $DepOnboardingSettings) {
    Write-Output "`nSyncing Apple Business Manager with Intune..."

    # Retrieve and display the last successful sync time and synced device count
    Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementDepOnboardingSetting `
        -DepOnboardingSettingId $DepOnboardingSetting.Id | `
        Select-Object LastSuccessfulSyncDateTime, SyncedDeviceCount

    # Initiate the sync process with Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP)
    $DeviceSync = Sync-MgBetaDeviceManagementDepOnboardingSettingWithAppleDeviceEnrollmentProgram `
        -DepOnboardingSettingId $DepOnboardingSetting.Id `
        -ErrorAction Stop

    # Pause for 15 seconds to allow the sync to initiate
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
    Write-Output "`nSync initiated successfully."

# Sync Intune VPP (Volume Purchase Program) Tokens
$VPPTokens = Get-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementVppToken

foreach ($VPPToken in $VPPTokens) {
    Write-Output "`nSyncing VPP Token for Apple ID: '$($VPPToken.AppleId)'..."

    # Initiate the VPP token sync process
    $VPPSync = Sync-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementVppTokenLicense  `
        -VppTokenId $VPPToken.ID `
        -ErrorAction Stop

    # Pause for 15 seconds to allow the sync to initiate
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
    Write-Output "`nSync initiated successfully."

    # Retrieve and display the last sync status and time
    Get-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementVppToken `
        -VppTokenId $VPPToken.ID | `
        Select-Object DisplayName, LastSyncDateTime, LastSyncStatus

Full Script available on github:

Why Should You Care?
This script automates what could be hours of manually triggering Intune syncs. If you're managing a bunch of iPhones or iPads through Intune, this is your new best friend. It keeps everything up to date at a quicker interval, so you don't have to. It's like having a personal assistant for your device management, but without the coffee runs.

Just Remember:

  • Once a device is added to ABM, it will show-up in Intune within 12 hours automatically but you can do manual sync once every 15 minutes (hence, this script). Running the script before 15 minutes have passed will throw an error.
  • Swap out the placeholder info (like Tenant ID) with your actual stuff before you run it.
  • Make sure you've got all the permissions and modules installed. If not, you'll be stuck at the door.

That's it. A script that makes your life easier if you're juggling Apple devices in a Microsoft world. Give it a try, and maybe you'll find yourself with a bit more time for that coffee break after all.

I hope this helps.


Sync-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementVppTokenLicense (Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.CorporateManagement)
Syncs licenses associated with a specific appleVolumePurchaseProgramToken
Sync-MgBetaDeviceManagementDepOnboardingSettingWithAppleDeviceEnrollmentProgram (Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManagement.Actions)
Synchronizes between Apple Device Enrollment Program and Intune

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